This propensity to continuously improve the knowledge and the skills has allowed the Spernanzoni company to become one of the world's finest artisan workshops in the field of goodwear welted and other crafted shoes in the course of twenty years. The creation of an entirely hand-made product line of the Vittorio Spernanzoni brand is aiming at paying tribute to the founder but it also represents the consistent choice to conserve and revamp the hand-made tradition that still relies on skilled craftsmen, who with just a bunch of tools, endless patient and great ability, create long-lasting products.
Vittorio Spernanzoni wishes to create exclusive products by making the most of manual and craftsmanship skills, as the result of a process of de-industrialisation of the production line. Each manufacturing stage is hand-made to make sure items have a unique personality, reflecting the pesonality and skills of their creators. It’s up to craftsmen to develop each single stage: from cut to stitching and mounting and finishing, the key element to give the shoes the embellished touch.
These techniques are typical of the pre-industrial cobbler workshop activity, when this service was enjoyed by rich people until the Forties and the Fifties, as the expression of a timeless art. Tradition and innovation meet in an attempt to discover, yet again, this timeless, accurate know-how now almost lost. With patience and total dedication, each pair of shoes is created, step-by-step, by the hands of the craftsman, who gives these products the most important of values: time. Indeed, over time is when shoes turn into little works of art, as the result of skills and passion of those who spent years of their lives learning how to master this old trade.